Home health and care service is a system in which patients and families who are in need of being cared for at home or who are also confined to bed are treated and examined at home. It is a service that covers mothers who have just given birth and their babies, neurological patients, diabetic patients, orthopedic and traumatology patients, cancer patients, respiratory failure or COPD patients, paralysis patients and patients in need of oxygen therapy. Home care and health services are given to increase the quality of life of the patients by protecting both their mental and physical health. Home care services enable people who are not able to go to the hospital and who are confined to bed to continue their lives in a healthy way. Problems experienced by the patients are solved by the opportunities offered to them as part of home health and care services. The most important advantages of home health and care services are that they have positive effects on the quality of lives and the families of the patient undergo comfortable processes. Thanks to these services, the risk of getting an infection for the patient is also reduced.
What is Home Care Service?
Home health care service is a psychological, physiological and medical care model offered to support the treatment of those who are confined to bed, disabled or elderly as well as those who are post-operative recovery process or who have chronic diseases. The aim of home care services is to improve the quality of life of people. Besides, it helps people to adapt to social life. The scope of home health service varies depending on the purpose of the service given. Home health service is an application that varies according to the condition of the patient in terms of time. It can either be ended when the patient reaches the level of self-sustaining or extended in the form of constant home health care. One of the most important advantages of home health care service is that the patient does not need to go to the hospital, thanks to home care services. Because these services are carried out by professional healthcare personnel at home.
What Does Home Care Service Cover?
Home care services are given for the purposes such as diagnosing a specific disease, monitoring diagnosed chronic diseases, protecting the person against negative external factors, and treating the diseases. In addition to chronic diseases and disabilities, home care services are given for the purpose of providing long-term home care of elderly people. The risk of getting infected is reduced when patients benefit from home health and care services after surgery. The scope of home health service is broad. Situations that home care service will be given are as follows:
- Injection applications,
- Check-up at home,
- Medical dressing at home,
- Post-operative wound-care,
- Postpartum baby-care,
- Diagnostic tests, laboratory tests to be performed at home,
- In-Home Nursing Services
- In-Home Physician Services
- Disabled care, elderly care.
- Physical therapy applications at home
- Caregiver service at home
Who Can Benefit from Home Care Service?
Home health services are available to anyone in need of care and assistance to maintain their personal lives. However, people who can benefit from home health service can be listed as follows:
- Orthopedics and Traumatology patients,
- Patients in need of care after surgery,
- Hypertension patients,
- Cardiac patients,
- Diabetic patients,
- Respiratory track patients, lung patients, (COPD)
- Neurological patients,
- Paralyzed people,
- Cancer patients,
- Disabled persons,
- Old, aged people,
- Women who have given birth,
- Patients in need of medical dressing and wound care,
- Patients in need of laboratory tests,
- Patients in need of medical equipment.
What are the Advantages of Home Health Services?
Home Health services aim to provide personalized care. Home care service tries to ensure that the person can maintain his daily needs, daily life and habits. Patients get health and care services in their own comfort zones at home. The patient’s friends and family are important for home health care services. Thanks to home care services, family and friends of the patient can also spend the process of treatment and health care more comfortably. Home health and care services have positive impacts on quality of life. Patients who have undergone a surgical operation can benefit from home health and care services after surgery. Because some infection risks should be prevented after various surgical operations. By post-operative home care services, it is aimed to continue the treatment properly. Besides, these services help prevention of tissue loss and infections.
In-Home Nursing and Physician Services
In-Home Nursing and Physician Services are one of the services that patients frequently consult for their assigned treatments. The specialist doctor on patient’s disease examines the patient at home and makes the necessary examinations. Nurses can take tests such as urine culture, throat culture, EKG, biochemistry, PCB, blood count while they are giving home health services. These tests are examined by doctors. As part of the data obtained as a result of the tests, a treatment plan is made. Within the scope of home health care services and home patient care, physicians regularly visit the patients at home and make their examinations. Besides, since each patient’s disease is different, their needs are also different, so instant visits can be made. These visits are made weekly, daily, hourly or monthly depending on the treatment plan of in-home nursing services within the scope of home health service. Nurses make their visits as part of the treatment plan that physicians consider appropriate and they give in-home health care services accordingly, such as bloodletting, wound care, injection, medical dressing, catheter insertion, bed sore care, vaccine and drug applications, serum applications.
Postnatal Baby-Care Service
Another scope of home health services is postnatal baby-care services. As part of home care and health care services provided for mothers who have given birth, information on a number of subjects such as changing the baby’s diaper, breastfeeding, holding the baby, gas removal, eye and nose cleaning, and bathing is given. In addition to this education and information, the general health of the baby is also examined. Controls of the baby’s weight, physical condition, jaundice condition, umbilical cord area and skin color are also made.
Frequently asked questions about home health care services
In which cities do you give home health care services?
Memorial Home Health services are provided in every part of Istanbul. We give home health care support especially in Ankara, Antalya, Kayseri and Diyarbakır where Memorial hospitals are located.
When can I get home health care services?
Home health care services can be given 24/7 according to the needs and convenience of the person.
In which branches does home health care service offer?
Within the scope of home health services, it covers areas determined for the needs of the person such as nurse, physician, neonatal nurse, check-up, and imaging. For this purpose, nurse and physician services can be formed by a team of experts in their fields.
Can I have a check-up by home Health care service?
You can get this service from wherever you are by a check-up package as part of home health care services. The check-up package includes services such as EKG, chest x-ray, ultrasound and doctor’s examination.
Is SSI valid in-home health care system?
Home health care services are within the scope of SSI. These services are given for a fee.
When will test results I have done by home health care service come out and where can I get the results?
The duration which tests performed as part of home health care service come out may vary. You can get your results by contacting Call Center team on 444 88 99 or view the results by Memorial e-results.
Is medication provided by home health care services?
Medication is not given legally by home health care services. Drugs prescribed previously are provided by the patient and kept ready before the team arrives. Before the service is given, the prescription is checked and the service is given at home.
Do you provide imaging services as part of home health care services?
EEG, EKO, EKG, Holter, Ultrasound and X-ray services can be provided by our expert teams in your region by Memorial Home Health Care Services.